Mentor Mentee Program FAQ

Q: How are mentors and mentees matched?

Mentors and mentees are matched based on their backgrounds, expertise, and goals. The program organizers facilitate the matching process to ensure compatibility.

Q: Can I get more than one mentee?

Preference will be to assign one mentee per mentor, however, depending on the interest and mentor’s eagerness to take on more mentees, we could assign more 

Q: Can I be a mentor and a mentee at the same time?

Yes, you can be both a mentor and a mentee at the same time if you meet the eligibility criteria for each role 

Q: Can I change my Mentee?

Yes, it is possible to change your Mentee. In case you need to change your Mentee then please contact the MMP team at

Q: What if there is a communication gap or misunderstanding between the mentor and mentee?

If there are any issues or misunderstandings, mentors and mentees should address them promptly and seek assistance from the program coordinators if needed.

Q: How much time commitment is expected from mentors?

Mentors are expected to commit to approximately 30-60 mins per month, along with additional adhoc time for chat replies

Q: How long is the MMP program going to be?

The MMP team will run the match process twice a year. 

Q: Can I opt out of the program midway?

Yes, if due to any reason you need to opt out of the program, then please contact the MMP team at

Q: Is there any cost associated with the program?

The program is free and available to participants registered in the KOJAIN Directory.